imaginea reprezinta un personaj feminin ingandurat si indurerat, flancata de un buchet funerar si doua lumanari
Logoul FuneraliaTM, varianta embosata

Contact us any time, any day, any night,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week

icon simbolizand disponibilitatea 24h/24, 7 zile din 7 si numerele de telefon ce pot fi apelate incontinuu

The solemn honoring of a lifetime...

During these sad moments, caused by the loss of a close being, FuneraliaTM, comes to the support of the grieving families taking over the arrangements for the entire funeral procession. Our funeral services company is always at your disposal, providing you the complete range of high quality funeral services, free counseling, flexible and efficient solutions, that will help you overcome with dignity this difficult time. Acting with promptitude and competence, respect and compassion, our team of professionals, helps you to bring a final tribute to the deceased one and to honor with dignity the life that passed away...


"There is no difference between existence and non-existence, if you bring them close to you with equal intensity".
                                                  (Emil Cioran)


::  Legal procedures

    (document preparation/


::  Physician for certifying the


::  Funeral home (wake room);

::  Funeral ceremony arange-


::  Care of the deceased, em-

    balming, mortuary cosme-


:: Funeral transport;

::  Funeral and memorial


:: Catafalque rental;

::  Coffin refrigeration rental;

::  Cemetery arrangements;


::  We have a wide range of quality coffins, fully equipped, with prices starting from 1.000 lei.


:: Our main coffins models: Milano, Paris, Koronna, Boston (both models - american and european), Torino, Venus.
Also, on preliminary order, we can provide other coffin models.


:: Based on preliminary order, we can provide you the follo-wing types of floral tribu-tes:

:: bouquets; coffin bouquets (made of chrysanthemums or irises);

:: flower wreaths
(made of chrysanthemums, car-nations or gerbera);

:: big wreaths (a fir wood structure, decorated with carnations, roses, chrysan-themums, gerbera, Dutch orchid, anthurium „Flamingo" flower).




 At the funeral home on Liviu Rebreanu Boulevard no. 98, we provide you

:: air-conditioned wake room

:: catafalque room for the coffin.


All the rooms are provided with comfortable leather sofas, coffe tables, minibar and coffe (surcharge!), large video display and DVD player, coffin refrigeration, light folding chairs, flower vases,

candle holders and personal-alized religious objects.



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Buton de detaliere a sectiunii servicii funerare

We provide the full range of funeral products needed for the wake and at the burial process-ion ritual:

:: candles, candelas, handkerchiefs, towels, tablecloth and alms packages

(usual/ for fasting), knot-

shaped breads, alms, the bottle of wine and the oil one, all of these according to every person's burial ritual

(orthodox, roman-/greek- catholic, (neo) protestant).




We rent the following funeral equipments and supplies:

::  coffin refrigeration
(used to preserve the deceased,

allows you to see the deceased at any moment, in perfect hygiene conditions);

::  catafalque
(a basis made of two reinforced iron consoles that ensures stability and the desired height during the wake).





::In case of emergency, in order to contact us, please dial the following numbers:


:: Mobile phone numbers available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week

(0721-849 364, 0721-266 967, 0732-384 145, 0749-046 064);

:: online Form or
:: E-mail Message (click on the white words!);

:: a visit at our main office / store (Timișoara, Calea Martirilor no. 22 SAD) or at the funeral home (Timișoara, Liviu Rebreanu Boulevard no. 98).



:: We provide internal and international funeral trans-port, according to european standards, with modern vehicles, certified for mortuary transport.


:: If the decease occurs out of the country, we commit to re-patriate the deceased in the shortest possible time and in irreproachable conditions, co-operating with the em-bassies, the Police or other funeral services providers.

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You can also find us on:


Agency / sell point: TIMIŞOARA, Calea Martirilor st. no. 22 SAD, Romania  |  Schedule NON-STOP

Phone numbers (available 24/7): 0721-849 364 | 0721-266 967


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